How Do We Analyse Manpower Dynamics?
VTC assesses the manpower demand for 24 major industry sectors covering more than 80% of the Hong Kong working population. The manpower dynamics of each of the 24 industries in Hong Kong is analysed through manpower survey and manpower update in a 4-year cycle. The manpower survey is a quantitative survey conducted with relevant companies once every 4 years to collect information of employees count, income, education, and so on. The manpower update is conducted twice in the 4-year cycle through focus group meeting with industry representatives and data analytics of major recruitment platforms. The information obtained from both manpower survey and manpower update aims to facilitating the Government and different stakeholders of industries for formulation of manpower and training plan.
4-Year Cycle

VTC Training BoardTooltips Steers the Conduct of
Manpower Survey and Manpower Update

Validation and Analysis of Information

Dissemination of Manpower Information